
The Caravan Orchestra was founded in the summer of 2017, as an exchange project between Yiddish Summer Weimar (Germany) and the Department of Music of the University of Haifa (Israel), in cooperation with the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar (Germany).

Every year, the Orchestra invites 40 – 45 young musicians from Israel and Germany to apply for a 2-3 week residency in Haifa and Weimar, with an intensive rehearsal period and concerts in both countries, as well as fun social activities, workshops and excursions.

Together with the artistic directors, participants explore both East European Jewish (Yiddish), East Mediterranean and Middle Eastern music traditions. It is the synthesis of those cultures that makes the sound of the Caravan Orchestra so unique. While having clear differences in the repertoire and style, these traditions share some forms, tonal material and, most importantly, a performance philosophy with similar approach to improvisation, ornamentation, modality and many other concepts that we discover again each time!

For the first time in 2019, the Caravan Orchestra was joined by the Caravan Choir. The choir and the orchestra perform both together and separately. Like the orchestra, the choir explores musical improvisation, vocal styles and ornamentation in both Yiddish and Arab music.

If you are an instrumentalist or a singer and you would like to apply to join the Caravan project, please click here for current information about the application process and this year’s artistic directors. If you want to know where you can hear and see the band, please click here. If you are a presenter and would like to book the orchestra and the choir, please contact project manager Andreas Schmitges at the Other Music Academy e.V.: andreas.schmitges@othermusicacademy.eu or by phone/WhatsApp: +49 177 6017686

For up-to-date information about this year’s Caravan Orchestra & Choir please go to Caravan Application.